A few things I want to remember that make me smile & giggle.....
Oh how my heart skipped a beat the first time I saw Henry jump off of the couch, that little dare devil! Sometimes I bust him going down the stairs saying "hop" as he jumps down a step, not the safest technique, I know.
Here it is.....
When you ask him what his favorite piece of construction equipment is, his response is "baaaa-cat" with the emphasis on CAT (BobCat). He says "baaaa-cat" over and over when we go on walks, just hoping to catch a glimpse of one.
He can't stand it when you're playing with him in the living room and you lay down on the floor. He'll push you up, saying "up, up" and gets very frustrated if you don't get up, and fast! No resting on the job, I guess.
So, all of the literature out there says "make sure your baby sees you reading so that they understand how important reading is to you too," well not this kid. He hates it if you try to read a book or magazine of your own. He'll take it away and go put it in the magazine rack. Not on his watch, folks!
Watching his blankets go in the washing machine is devastating to him, as he thinks they'll never come back out again. But yet, loves it when I pull laundry out of the dryer to fold.
He can recognize all of the upper-case letters and numbers 0-10. Most everything is still the color "ba-lue" (blue).
He's "needing" to sleep with more and more things lately. He'll pick up a stuffed animal and say "scheep" (sleep), "night-night" and go put it in his crib. I'll try to sneak them out of his crib and hide them underneath, and most of the time he busts me doing it.
Oh, how my little wild man makes me laugh!