Monday, November 29, 2010

Henry's first wedding

The Krump Krew headed to Milwaukee this past weekend for the wedding of Erica and Matt Wiltermuth, Matt is one of Phil's buds from college. For Henry and I, it was our first trip to Milwaukee, and quite the scenic drive it was. Henry was a trooper of a traveler for the 6 hour drive. He even had a date for the wedding, one of his girlfriends, Amerie Zewers.

I think she gets her rosy cheeks from her dad, Nick!


Wow, do we have a lot to be thankful for this year! What an absolute true blessing our baby Henry has been in our lives. I can't imagine life without you........your bright smile when I get you out of your crib, your perseverance to find a way to get the toy you want when it's across the room, the 2 extremely long hairs on the top of your head that I haven't cut yet, your loud farts (yes, very loud), your love of jumping, the list goes on and on......

We spent a chilly Thanksgiving day with the Krump's. Of course, we filled our bellies with a delicious spread of turkey and the works, thank you again for a wonderful dinner! Henry even had his own place at the dinner table.

Mmmm, a Thanksgiving feast of rice cereal!

We were bummed it was too cold to run with him in the Thanksgiving day 5K year. Instead, I'm sure he enjoyed snuggling with his Grandpa by the fireplace.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Henry's first Thanksgiving

Who's ready for a Thanksgiving feast?
I am!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Some nights get a little messier than others. This was definitely a messy night! We headed straight to the bathtub after dinner.
Mmm, mmm, good.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jump Around

Henry has really been testing his legs the past few days, so we thought we'd capture some of his "jumping around". Make sure to turn up the volume if you have it.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Henry and Dad

Henry's Oma went to Arizona this week so Phil stayed home with Henry the past 2 days when I went to work. Phil said they had a blast together, they were both quite tired by the end of the day when I got home!
Here are some photos from their fun-day today....

Can my boys get any more handsome!?

Man does the boy love guming on his socks!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

5 months old today!

Our baby, Henry Thomas Krump, is 5 months old today! Wow, how can I even begin to sum up the last 5 months?? I'll see if I can list some of his most recent stats and accomplishments.........

Henry is probably around 16+ lbs now, eating 5-6 times a day (including the 1 time he still gets up to eat in the middle of the night typically between 2-3am), some nights he has rice cereal for dinner, other nights just good ol' mama's milk. The boy does love his mama's milk, no doubt about it! No teeth as of yet, of course I think he's teething all the time with his rashy cheeks and drooling, but nothing yet. The closest he's come to sleeping through the night would be waking up at 5:45am (I think last night was the second longest he's gone, waking up at 4:30am to eat), he goes to bed around 7pm normally. We're getting closer to that full night of sleep!

He is a rolling over machine lately, back to front, front to back, loves barrel rolling across the living room floor. He's getting so good at figuring out how to get to a toy that's out of his reach, he rolls and rolls and then turns around (like a clock) on his tummy.
Give him any toy and he's pretty excited, especially to shove it in his mouth! I would have to say his favorite toy here would be My Pal Scout or Sophie the Giraffe lately. I know his favorite toy at his Oma's house when I go to work is Red Dog!
Standing (with help of course) is so overrated, jumping is way cooler now!

Man has he become a smiley boy, much more so than his serious face he always used to give us:) Going in to get him out of his crib and seeing his smiley face still just melts my heart every time!

Well, that pretty much sums up our days here lately......sleeping, playing, eating, pooping, can add in running errands, going for a walk/run outside, dancing with his mom in the kitchen to iTunes, and taking a bath as well. I wouldn't trade these last 5 months for the world! Love you, big boy!

June 17th, 2010 - First bath given by his dad in the hospital

November 17th, 2010 - bath time

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cheerful cousins

Cousin Greta Gillespie was in town to visit again this weekend. As always, she's as smiley as ever. Here are a few pics from the play-date they had today.....

Can't quite see it here, but Greta has her first tooth popping through!
Two happy babes.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Welcome Winter!

We woke up to a winter wonderland outside this morning! We got 4" already overnight and we're supposed to get 4" more by later today. Phil said Henry had a big grin on his face when he showed him the snow outside.

Here's the view out our front door......

....and the backyard

Don't worry, Henry's ready to go with his hat and mittens!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I salute you

This goes out to all the men and women in uniform who are currently serving, have served in the past, and those who have given their lives. Happy Veteran's Day. Our nation wouldn't be the same without you and your dedication to our freedom.

Now this is how you do a push-up!

I said, drop and give me 10!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Trip to NoDak

The Krump Krew headed back to NoDak last weekend. Phil had some business to attend to and Henry and I got to visit relatives. Good times. We stayed with my parents in Jamestown and made a day trip to Bismarck as well.

Henry and his Grandpa Olin sure loved watching the Vikings game on Sunday....only in HD of course! Those boys sure like their clarity when watching sports I guess.

Henry and his great-aunt, Jackie. He sure had fun playing with his new trucks on the way home. Thanks, auntie.

Henry's sporting his new Piper John Express hat here with his great-uncle, John.

Henry was just enamored with his great-grandma Yantzer. They were huggin' and a kissin' like crazy and he was all smiles with her! My grandma said, "I think he really trusts me, he knows I've had 7 kids of my own!"

Henry with his great aunt, Jo....

.....and his second cousin, Anthony.

We all stopped by my Grandma's nursing home to say goodbye before we headed back home to Jamestown for the night. The residents were just getting settled in for dinner. Everyone was wondering who the little baby was........I think Henry was the talk of dinner after we left.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Road trip

Phil, Henry, and I headed back to NoDak for a few days this past weekend. Here are some of the sights I caught in the mirror when I would look back to check on the little man. Enjoy!

I didn't think he could get his feet up to his mouth while being strapped into the carseat. Turns out he couldn't get his foot up there, but he certainly could get that delicious sock up to his mouth. Mmm, mmm, good!

Done with those socks. Now onto more intellectual activities....he's reading a book about animals and just got to the good part, the lions!

Ok, so maybe not so much reading the book as much as chomping on it!

We passed Henry's Foods, Since 1929 and had to get a photo.

The best toy of the day.....the container of baby wipes!
That sure kept him entertained for quite some time.

The socks were soaking wet and had to come off. Look at those big feet!
Thank goodness it was a beautiful day for traveling.

Aaaahhh, all tuckered out now and time for a nap :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Pal Scout

Henry hearts his new toy Scout. He gets a big toothless grin every time I turn the music on. I catch myself singing the songs long after Henry's gone to bed. He especially loves how the furry paws feel in his mouth!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

What a beautiful day we had for Halloween, no snow yet. I remember trick-or-treating in snowsuits most years growing up, not this year! We made a few stops to trick-or-treat with Henry (nobody was handing out milk, so unfortunately Henry came home empty handed) and then headed home to hand out candy. I think my favorite costume was this tiny little girl from down the street who was shivering like crazy and wearing a costume of a skeleton. When I asked her what she was, she said, "bones." It was adorable. Her dad was standing off to the side with the radio flyer wagon and her winter jacket. Too cute!
Here's Henry the pumpkin with his pumpkins. I think he's all pumpkin'd out!

One of our stops was to see his lady-friend, Finley aka Minnie Mouse (and her parents, Kristin and Pat). What a cutie she was! We're looking forward to many play dates in the future with Finley.