Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Meeting baby Owen

Henry and I got to meet his new friend, baby Owen today (and his Mom, Lisa, of course). Owen just had some good milk and was bright eyed while we were there (except for this picture I guess). He was such a good little babe, didn't make a peep while I was holding him. Henry was a very good boy too, didn't seem to care that I was holding another baby, much too busy trying to pull on computer cords, push boxes around the room, play with toys, chew on the couch, and eat cheerios :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Baby Storytime

Henry is now in the middle of his grueling semester of Baby Storytime at the library.

The book of the day today was on farm animals, one of Henry's favorite topics. Listening soooo intently to Jill, the librarian, who is such a sweetheart:)

Here's Jill, the librarian. Henry just had this look on his face like, "Wow, this woman is amazing, look at what she's doing!" He was mesmerized by that bubble machine.

Mom, did you see what she was making? Bubbles!

Henry knows right where to the middle of all the ladies at the toy basket! Here he's playing with Greta and Alecia (both 13 months), liking the older girls I guess:)
On a side looking back at my blog posts, I'm noticing that I sure do take a lot of photos when Henry's wearing these stripes. It must be because he looks so handsome in them:) So sorry if you're getting sick of seeing stripes!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What a gal, that Greta

Cousin Greta was visiting this weekend, so tons of fun was had for sure!

Table for 2 please :)

Flashback......Miss Greta (3 weeks) and Mr Henry (2 weeks)

My dinner dates this weekend, my Oma and Opa Krump!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Brunch of fun!

Lately, it seems like Henry's been having quite a few dates with the girlies, but not was man-day! Thanks to Marty & Jenny for having us all over for brunch, delicious! Henry got some much needed play time with the boys, and when I say play time, as you can see below, I mean sit by each other and play with their own toy of course :)

Will (14 mos), Joe (10 mos), Henry (9 mos), and Jack (21 mos)
Allie with Natalie & Will, Sarah & Henry, Kristin & Joe
Henry with his Budija buddy!
The whole crew of girls...Anna, Pam, Allie, Sarah, Kristin, Jenny, & Andrea...with their own crew of little ones! As the picture takers were snapping away, I must not have noticed Henry somehow sneaking out of his pants, oops. So maybe all of his pants are a bit too long for him in order to fit around his middle. Actually there's been two times this week I've gone up to get him from a nap and his pants have been thrown out of the crib and onto the floor :)
No pants = all smiles I guess :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On the mend

I don't want to jinx myself, but I think Henry is on the up-and-up again. He's been loving his 2-a-day baths and LOTS of snuggle time with his mama these past few days.

His new thing he loves doing is waving and saying "hi" or in Henry language "uh" or "ha"! He waves at us when we walk in his room, he waves at Lucy when we come downstairs, he waves at his toys, he waves at the check-out girl at Target, he was even waving at all the snow today too. The boy loves waving!

Henry's been lovin' on Lucy lately too. If you've ever gotten a kiss from Henry, you know it's a wide-open mouth kiss! Here he is kissing Lucy, I guess eyes closed and all. Those two are so darn cute when they play together!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Poor Henry

Baby Henry has been a bit under the weather these past few days. Last Wednesday night, after his well baby check-up at the doctor (I guess you go in well and come out sick) he came down with a nasty little cold. He was burnin' up today, which prompted a trip to the doctor's office. His temperature was 104.4* at home and 102.9* at the doctor, yikes! Good news.....strep test was negative....flu test was negative.....RSV test was ear infection. So, just a nasty cold with a fever....oh, and tooth #7 came in today, which certainly doesn't help matters any :( We've certainly had lots of snuggle time together (good for me :). Henry even got to watch some NCAA hoops yesterday....seriously, he snuggled in my arms and watched it.....this never happens. I think he's let me read more books to him in the past 3 days than in the past 3 months - he just sits in my lap and turns the pages for me, yes I do love it, but I'd love for him to feel better even more:)
He has mustered up the strength to push his car around the kitchen and living room a few times today, thank goodness!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

There's no Irish in our blood (that we know of, at least), but there was Irish in Henry's heart today! He displayed his green proudly and loved singing The St. Patrick's Pokey with his noisy shaker (as he's showing off below) that he made with his Oma and Tante :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

9 months....already?

I know everybody says this, but WOW, I can't believe that adorable little babe sleeping so soundly (on his tummy with his little face smushed into his hands) upstairs right now is 9 MONTHS OLD already (well, tomorrow I guess)! Where has the time gone?! Today, Henry had his appointment with Dr. Sakkal. All is good. Henry can start chowing down on any kind of grub he wants, and he can start on whole milk after he's all done with my milk.

Length 28"
Weight 18lbs, 12ozs (this shocked me, I could have sworn he was pushing 20lbs)
Head 45cm

I know this picture is quite fuzzy, but Henry was so perplexed with this band-aid on his finger after his finger prick for a hemoglobin and a lead check (both of which were A-ok, by the way). We wiped the tears away, put the oh so soothing pacifier in, and then he tried to figure out what that thing was! It lasted all of about 60 seconds 'til he figured out how to rip it off with those 6 teeth (2 more coming in, we could see them through the surface, ouch).

A quick field trip after the doctor. All smiles at Bob's Produce :) Waving at the cashier and everything!

Who you callin' chicken? Henry expanded his food library with chicken tonight. Shocking (yes, I'm being facetious), didn't hate it and didn't love it. Tried a few bits, coughed a little bit, then moved onto bigger and better carrots and zucchini, yummy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Last week.....Henry eating every last piece of banana on his tray like a sweet little boy.

This week....dropping about 75% of the them for his friend, Lucy, to enjoy (and still a sweet little boy)! I put him in his high chair and Lucy comes sprinting over, just sitting and waiting for her treats. How long does this phase last?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Surfin' Safari

New trunks......check!


Swimming lesson registration.......check!

Who's ready for the beach this summer?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Riley is 1! We had a blast in Denver this past weekend whooping it up for Riley's birthday. What a rager of party she had with all her friends and family.

Henry was loving all her toys! Here she is, Mighty Mouse, all 17lbs of her, pushing my big brute around in her car. She is crazy strong...and so smart too!
Look at the panic on his little, there's just not room for the both of us in here, I'm feeling a little claustrophobic, mommy!

Happy Birthday....cake....sugar!
New toys, birthday presents, yessss!
Power tools, sweeeet!
Excuse me, which way to the sand dunes please?

Lovin' on Grandma and Grandpa Olin
I'm sure noticing quite the difference between little girls and little boys at this age. Riley, such a sweetheart, so quiet, plays neatly. Henry, busy, on the go....always into something, squeals, grunts when he's eating if there isn't food coming his way at all times, leaves a trail of destruction in his dust (ok, maybe not quite)! Oh Henry, you keep me busy and I love it!!
Henry with his auntie, Sonja
Henry got to catch up with his Godmother, Molly
The birthday girl with her mama

On Riley's actual birthday, Grandpa Olin took us all out for lunch. The crew at Friday's sang to Riley and everything, too cute! Here she is, loving her birthday sundae.
So, let me get this straight....I get apples and prunes for lunch and she gets a chocolate sundae?
Can't wait to see that Riley again in a couple months for Henry's birthday party! Thanks for the superb hospitality all weekend, Darcy family!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flying the friendly skies

We headed to Colorado for the weekend for cousin Riley's 1st Birthday! I was a bit nervous getting on that plane as Henry decided to revive his habit of squealing just the day before we left, yes I said squealing, at an exceptionally loud pitch!

Much to my pleasure, he was an absolutely wonderful little boy on the flight, maybe just 1 or 2 squeals was all :)

The first time Henry and I flew to Denver, I think he was about 8 weeks old.....slept like an angel the whole time. This time around......8 months old......could not stop moving (minus a 20 minute cat-nap)! He was a busy boy, loved opening/closing the tray in front of him (my apologies to the boy who was sitting in that seat...that boy was really trying hard to finish his Algebra homework :), opening/closing the window, and crushing our little bags of pretzels. Look at how red those cheeks were, can you say overheating?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pearly whites :)

My auntie Stephanie says I'm supposed to brush these things everyday! I'd prefer to simply chomp on the toothbrush instead!