Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Meeting baby Owen

Henry and I got to meet his new friend, baby Owen today (and his Mom, Lisa, of course). Owen just had some good milk and was bright eyed while we were there (except for this picture I guess). He was such a good little babe, didn't make a peep while I was holding him. Henry was a very good boy too, didn't seem to care that I was holding another baby, much too busy trying to pull on computer cords, push boxes around the room, play with toys, chew on the couch, and eat cheerios :)


  1. Henry, you are so lucky to have made another new friend! It looks as if you were very gentle with baby Owen, and I'm sure he loved having you and your Mommy over for a visit.
    I love you, my little Love Lump! Oma

  2. Gosh, it looks like Henry is saying, "ohhh, I am ready to be a big brother" :) Cute and I love his naked piggies.
